Why has ex-NBA player Dennis Rodman visited North Korea several times?

Dennis Rodman, the eccentric and flamboyant former NBA player, forged an unexpected bond in one of the world’s most isolated nations: North Korea. His multiple trips to North Korea were part of what he dubbed “basketball diplomacy.”

Rodman’s unconventional approach to international relations, paired with his larger-than-life personality, thrust him into an unforeseen role as a participant in global diplomacy.

Rodman’s fascination with North Korea began in 2013 when he embarked on his initial visit to the reclusive country. This journey coincided with a basketball exhibition game he orchestrated as part of a cultural exchange initiative. It was there the relationship between Rodman and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un took off. 

But… why? Well. Rodman saw basketball as a universal language capable of transcending political boundaries. Through friendly games and interactions with North Korean athletes, Rodman aimed to build bridges and advocate for peaceful relations.

In the eyes of the North Korean regime, Rodman’s visits were regarded as valuable opportunities for international engagement and positive public relations. 

However, Rodman’s actions were met with scepticism and concern in the United States. Many viewed his friendship with Kim Jong-un as misguided and naive, criticising him for aligning himself with a dictator known for human rights abuses and nuclear provocations.

Though his motives may have been unorthodox, his attempts to employ basketball as a tool for peace and understanding left an indelible mark on the global stage, demonstrating the potential for unconventional avenues in international relations.